Ways to Protect Yourself Online

Cyber security is always a high priority and possible attacks should be taken seriously, we remind you of some cyber security tips to follow:

  • Phishing is a form of fraud in which a scammer’s message (email /chat /text) attempts to trick the recipient into divulging important personal information like a password or bank account number, transferring money to assist in financial fraud, or installing malicious software. Usually, the sender pretends to represent a legitimate organization, such as a university leader, bank manager/staff, senior executive, institutional department, governmental agency, or employee.
  • NEVER RESPOND TO A REQUEST FOR YOUR PASSWORD sent by email even if the request appears legitimate. IT staff will NEVER ask for your password.
  • If you receive a suspicious call asking you to grant access to your computer to fix an IT issue, only follow the instructions if you are expecting a call from IT and have verified the authenticity of the call and the caller.
  • Never leave your laptop unattended, always lock it.
  • Should any of your devices be lost or stolen, report it immediately to the IT Help Center guqhelpcenter@georgetown.edu
  • Confidential information is still confidential, so use the same care as you would if you were in the office.
  • Keep your Operating System, Browser, and Applications patched to current releases
  • Use Antivirus software (keep it updated too) and enable the firewall on your computer
  • Avoid visiting unknown websites or downloading software from untrusted sources.
  • Keep your data in the cloud (BoxGoogleMicrosoft OneDrive) instead of storing it on your computer
  • Use Zoom for virtual meetings, conference calls, and to collaborate with your colleagues. Should other software be required, please consult with the IT Help Center guqhelpcenter@georgetown.edu. Avoid using or downloading any free non-approved software.
  • University leadership will continue to send regular updates via email. Please monitor your georgetown.edu email account closely for the latest information.